Kampus Komputer / Kampus Teknologi Informasi

Haii , kali ini saya akan memberikan saran apabila kalian kalian yang baru lulus SMA atau masih sekolah SMA ingin kuliah di Kampus Komputer terutama Kampus Teknologi Informasi , salah satu Kampus Komputer atau Kampus Teknologi Informasi yang akan saya review adalah Universitas Budi Luhur ( www.budiluhur.ac.id ) , salah satu Universitas Jakarta Selatan ini memiliki beberapa Fakultas , yaitu :

  • Fakultas Teknologi Informasi ( FTI )
  • Fakultas Teknik ( FT )
  • Fakultas Ekonomi ( FE )
  • Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik ( FISIP )
  • Fakultas ilmu Komunikasi (FIKOM )
Mari kita review lebih lanjut dan mendalam tentang salah Satu Kampus Komputer atau Kampus Teknologi Informasi ini. Mari kita lihat apa saja di dalam Fakultas Teknologi Informasi ( FTI ) ini . 

Program Studi Teknik Informatika (Jenjang Strata -1)

Unggul dalam peran mengembangkan Informatika dan Komputer pada umumnya dan Teknik Informatika pada khususnya serta menghasilkan tenaga-tenaga ahli Teknik Informatika yang cerdas berbudi luhur.

Menghasilkan Sarjana yang berbudi luhur, inovatif dan mampu bersaing di pasar global di bidang Teknik Informatika dengan spesialisasi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak.

Menyiapkan sarjana Strata 1 dalam bidang Teknik Informatika untuk menjadi anggota masyarakat yang mempunyai kemampuan akademik dan dapat menerapkan Ilmu Pengetahuan sesuai dengan bidangnya.

Program Studi Teknik Informatika memberikan gelar S.Kom, yaitu program kesarjanaan di bidang ilmu komputer dengan kekhususan pada penguasaan ilmu komputer yang dapat diimplementasikan di dunia industri. Harapan yang dapat dicapai oleh setiap lulusan adalah sebagai berikut:
a.  Handal dalam penguasaan teknis analitikal berbasis komputer.
b.  Memiliki keahlian dalam membangun aplikasi-aplikasi perangkat lunak dengan dasar ilmu komputer, jaringan komputer intranet maupun internet.
c.  Mampu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informatika, memanfaatkan serta merekaya sa teknologi tersebut untuk diterapkan pada lingkungan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Memberikan bekal ilmu komputer dan spesialisasi di bidang dasar-dasar ilmu komputer agar dapat menghasilkan aplikasi-aplikasi perangkat lunak komputer, yang dapat mengikuti perkembangan teknologi komputer baru.

Prospek Lulusan
Dunia teknologi informasi merupakan salah satu faktor yang penting dalam era globalisasi. Penyajian suatu informasi yang informatif sangatlah diperlukan, untuk mendukung hal tersebut diperlukan tenaga-tenaga terampil, ahli serta professional. Dari sistem pendidikan pada Universitas Budi Luhur, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi bidang studi Teknik Informatika diharapkan lahir calon-calon sarjana yang dapat berkarier di bidangnya terutama teknologi informasi, sebagai profesional muda seperti jabatan-jabatan:

  • Software Engineer
  • Help desk Specialist
  • Computer Operator
  • Computer Scientist
  • Programmer
  • Systems Analyst
  • Computer Consultant
  • Database Administrator
  • Network Administrator
  • Desktop Publisher
  • Web Developer
  • Manajer Sistem Informasi
  • Maupun jabatan-jabatan yang lain dalam bidang teknologi informasi

Program Studi Sistem Informasi (Jenjang Strata -1)

Pada tahun 2020 menjadi Program Studi Sistem Informasi yang unggul dalam bidang Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi yang dilandasi kecerdasan dan keluhuran budi.

Misi Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi informasi Universitas Budi Luhur adalah :

  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pengajaran di bidang sistem informasi berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang efektif dan efisien.
  2. Memfasilitasi pengkajian dan penelitian dalam bidang sisten informasi, khususnya bidang sistem informasi dan komputerisasi akuntansi.
  3. Memfasilitasi pelaksanaan dan implementasi hasil penelitian dan inovasi dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.
  4. Menjalin kerjasama dengan institusi pemerintah maupun swasta baik dalam dan luar negeri dengan prinsip kesetaraan untuk mendukung kegiatan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi.

Sejalan dengan tujuan penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi di Universitas Budi Luhur dan Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Prodi Sistem Informasi menetapkan tujuan sebagai berikut :

  1. Mempunyai sikap profesional dan etika profesi yang tinggi berdasarkan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan YME dan kecintaan terhadap tanah air dengan dilandasi budi pekerti luhur.
  2. Mempunyai wawasan dan menguasai pengetahuan teknologi informasi dan menggunakan disiplin sains dan rekayasa untuk membangun sistem informasi berbasis komputer pada manajemen dan bisnis, dan mengimplementasikan dengan menggunakan metode, teknik dan alat bantu dan dokumentasinya.
  3. Mampu memahami dan menguasai konsep, teknik dan bahasa pemrograman untuk membuat program komputer
  4. Mampu memahami bagaimana cara menempatkan diri dan bekerja di masyarakat dalam perannya sebagai seorang profesional di bidang teknologi informasi
  5. Kompetensif Lulusan

Konsentrasi Sistem Informasi
Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang Rekayasa Sistem Informasi
Konsentrasi Komputerisasi Akuntansi
Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang Rekayasa Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

Prospek Lulusan

1.   Manajer di bidang Teknologi Informasi (TI)
2.   Manajer proyek pengembangan sistem informasi
3.   Sistem analis
4.   Programmer
5.   Auditor Sistem Informasi
6.   Pengelola basis data (Database Administrator)
7.   Pengelola jaringan (Network Administrator)
8.   Pembuat dan pengelola situs (Web Designer  and Web Administrator)
9.   Staff Perpajakan
10. Semua bidang yang berkaitan dengan penyajian informasi dengan alat bantu komputer.

Program Studi Sistem Komputer (Jenjang Strata -1)

Dengan memperhatikan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi  maka visi program Studi Sistem Komputer adalah menjadikan FTI-Universitas BUDI LUHUR sebagai pusat dari pekembangan ilmu komputer pada umumnya dan Sistem Komputer pada khususnya. Menghasilkan sarjana-sarjana Sistem Komputer yang tanggap terhadap perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi serta memiliki inovasi dalam bidang rekayasa automasi industri dan Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Menyiapkan sumber daya manusia yang cerdas dan dapat bersaing di bidang Teknologi dengan menghasilkan sumber daya yang produktif dan bertaraf internasional, serta ikut berperan dalam pembangunan nasional.

Program Studi Sistem Komputer memiliki misi yang mulia untuk ikut serta dalam rangka membangun bangsa, misi Program Studi Sistem Komputer adalah:
a.   Menghasilkan sarjana-sarjana Sistem Komputer profesional yang memiliki pengetahuan, ketrampilan, nilai, berdedikasi yang  mampu bersaing dipasar global.
b.   Menghasilkan sarjana-sarjana Sistem Komputer profesional berdaya guna dan mampu melakukan inovasi dan rekayasa dalam bidang sistem komputer dan aplikasinya untuk automasi industri dan Information and Communication technology.
c.   Menghasilkan sarjana-sarjana Sistem Komputer profesional yang mampu menyerap, mengembangkan dan mengaplikasikan teknologi komputer baik hardware maupun software dalam menunjang kemajuan dunia industri.

a.   Menjadikan program studi sistem komputer menjadi leader untuk pendidikan sistem komputer di Indonesia.
b.   Menjadikan program studi sebagai pusat penelitian dan pengembangan untuk teknologi automasi industri dan Information and Communication technology
c.   Menjadikan laboratorium dilingkungan program studi sistem komputer sebagai menjadi pusat pelatihan dan pendidikan bagi tenaga-tenaga kerja dari dunia industri yang telah memanfaatkan teknologi automasi industri dan Information and Communication technology.
d.   Menjadikan laboratorium dilingkungan program studi sistem komputer sebagai pusat pelayanan hardware maupun software bagi dunia industri yang telah memanfaatkan teknologi automasi industri dan Information and Communication technology.

Prospek Lulusan
a.   System Engineer
Mampu melakukan rekayasa untuk system system control yang berbasis computer baik untuk fabrikasi maupun bidang – bidang industri lainnya.

b.   Network Designer
Mampu melakukan desain dan implementasi jaringan yang berbasis computer beserta pendukungnya seperti PLC, Scada dan system jaringan lainnya sehingga mampu mewujudkan sistem-sistem yang terintegrasi penuh serta menyeluruh dalam menunjang pengambilan keputusan pada segala lini informasi yang diperlukan.

c.   Computer Specialis
Mampu mengerti dan mengaplikan secara menyeluruh semua aspek computer yang digunakan pada bidang komputasi untuk semua aspek kegiatan industri baik secara personal maupun network.

d.   Riset and Development Engineer
Mampu melakukan rekayasa computer dibidang riset dan pengembangan untuk mendukung disiplin ilmu lainnya didalam pemanfaatan computer sebagai alat bantu komputasi serta proses – proses pengolahan data lainnya untuk mendapatkan hasil – hasil yang diinginkan.

e.   Pengajar dibidang Sistem Komputer
Mampu untuk mengisi kekosongan pengajar pada disiplin ilmu computer yang dapat memberikan pengajaran yang baik akan sebuah system computer yang sebenarnya baik ditinjau dari sisi teoritis maupun praktis sehingga pada akhirnya dapat memberikan gambaran yang menyeluruh bagi mahasiswa tentang computer itu sendiri dari berbagai aspeknya.

Bagaimana? review Kampus komputer / Kampus Teknologi Informasi ini.. Menarik bukan? Universitas Jakarta Selatan ini sering memenangkan kompetisi robot dan lain lain lho.. :D , bila kalian ingin melihat lebih banyak tentang Universitas Budi luhur ini bisa membuka websitenya di www.budiluhur.ac.id

Universitas Jakarta Selatan International Class

Hmm, kali ini saya akan mereview sebuah Universitas Jakarta Selatan yaitu UBL atau Universitas Budi Luhur , kalian bisa lihat di www.budiluhur.ac.id untuk informasi lengkapnya, disini saya hanya menjabarkan beberapa keunggulan dari UBL yang masuk dalam  Universitas Jakarta Selatan.

Salah satu Universitas Jakarta Selatan ini memliki keunggulan yakni mempunyai International Class atau kelas Internasional. 

Universitas Budi Luhur merupakan universitas swasta terkemuka di Jakarta  yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun  dan memiliki lebih dari  8.000 mahasiswa aktif.  Pada tahun 2010 Universitas Budi Luhur bekerja sama dengan HZ University of Applied Sciences, Belanda menawarkan program kelas internasional : IBMS (International Business & Management Studies). Era globalisasi berdampak pada permintaan manajer berorientasi internasional meningkat. Mahasiswa lulusan IBMS berpotensi mengembangkan karir dalam bisnis internasional.

Manajer professional harus menggunakan pendekatan, empati dan keterampilan sosial untuk berkolaborasi dengan para ahli di berbagai disiplin ilmu. Pengetahuan yang luas tentang  organisasi, bisnis dan perdagangan internasional akan menempatkan lulusan IBMS sebagai negosiator handal di tingkat manajemen, baik internal maupun eksternal. IBMS berfokus pada kemampuan untuk membangun dan memelihara jaringan internasional yang luas, penerapan pengetahuan dan keterampilan di bidang Pemasaran, Manajemen dan Keuangan. IBMS menekankan sikap pribadi yang tepat dalam hubungan antar budaya dan perdagangan internasional.

Keunggulan kelas internasional :
  • Seluruh proses belajar mengajar menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Bila mahasiswa memiliki kekurangan dalam berbahasa Inggris, kami akan membantu meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dengan mengikuti kursus sebelum perkuliahan dimulai.
  • Mahasiswa mendapatkan dua gelar yaitu dari Universitas Budi Luhur dan HZ University. Bagi mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan studinya di Indonesia hanya  mendapatkan gelar dari Universitas Budi Luhur  tetapi  akan mendapatkan pengalaman internasional dengan mengikuti study trip ke Belanda dengan gratis.


  • Kebijakan strategis internasional perusahaan; persiapan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian;
  • Perencanaan Perusahaan; perusahaan evaluasi mengenai peraturan internasional, aspek hukum dan kasus hukum;
  • Manajemen pembelian internasional dan proses penjualan;
  • Pemasaran & Penjualan Internasional: pengembangan & pelaksanaan rencana pemasaran;
  • Pengembangan proposal dan pelaksanaan survei pasar internasional;
  • Keuangan Internasional : analisis keuangan dan pemecahan masalah;
  • Spesifikasi Persyaratan ICT organisasi

Gimanaaa? Mantap kan?? salah satu Universitas Jakarta Selatan ini. Apabila kalian ingin melihat lebih lengkap informasinya bisa kunjungi www.budiluhur.ac.id yah kawann :D , mungkin review saya kali ini sampai sini dulu. Terima kasih telah berkunjuuuung :DD

7 Ways to Solve Slow Internet

The need for internet access have started mushrooming in Indonesia. But with the quality of Indonesian ISP so-so just make us a little irritated and annoyed. Only ads are exaggerated exaggerated but lower the quality of the finished vent dikecil-nih. Surely many-netter netter ever erasakan the name slow, slow, snail, RTO, dotted, lag, DC, what is called sharing.

Needless to longer-term, there are 7 ways to it ..

1. By default, Windows stores / 20% bandwidth limit. Bandwidth is used for the "just in case" and also to check the computer agan from the Microsoft website.

Take bandwithnya wrote again! The trick is:
click Start-> Run-> type gpedit.msc

This is to open the group policy editor. If it appears windowsnya, go to:

Local Computer Policy-> Computer Configuration-> Administrative Templates-> Network-> QOS Packet Scheduler-> Limit reservable Bandwidth

Double click on Limit reservable bandwidth. There is shown that the string is not set (not configured), the tab spamming no explanation:

"By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default."

So the trick we do is disable by setting its value to zero.

2. Make Internet Explorer (IE) as fast as Firefox

They say IE browser is the most terrible, slow, and unstable. But it turns out there is a trick for a little tune-up download IE you could speed up the equivalent of Firefox. How:

* Click start-> run* Type regedit-> enter* Look for the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Curre ntVersion \ InternetSettings* Right click on the right pane select-> New-> DWORD* Type MaxConnectionsPerServer-> give up agan values ​​(higher values ​​agan make, the better the speed, eg: 99)* Create a new DWORD strings in the same way again-> type MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server* Then put a high value as above* Restart IE ..

Done ..

3. Speed ​​up browsing with DNS cache

Open notepad and Copas code below:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServic es | DnscacheParameters]"CacheHashTableBucketSize" = dword: 00000001"CacheHashTableSize" = dword: 00000180"MaxCacheEntryTtILimit" = dword: 0000fa00"MaxSOACacheEntryTtILimit" = dword: 0000012d

Save as dnscache.reg
Double click this file in Windows Explorer, press "yes".

4. Copas code below into the notepad. Save with the name "cepat.reg"

REGEDIT4[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesT cpipParameters]"SackOpts" = dword: 00000001"TcpWindowSize" = dword: 0005ae4c"Tcp1323Opts" = dword: 00000003"DefaultTTL" = dword: 00000040"EnablePMTUBHDetect" = dword: 00000000"EnablePMTUDiscovery" = dword: 00000001"GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize" = dword: 0005ae4c

5. For users of a LAN connection

Here's how to speed LAN connection:

* Open the registry editor (start-> run-> type regedit)* Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Curr entVersion \ Explorer \ RemoteComputer \ NameSpace and DELETE key {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF)* Close the registry editor and restart windows.

6. For users with a broadband internet connection / DSL try the following trick

Open the registry editor and go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesT cpipParameters

Create a new DWORD string, by clicking the 'Edit-> New-> DWORD Value' and for the names of the following values:

DefaultTTL = "80? hex (or 128 decimal).
EnablePMTUBHDetect = "0?
EnablePMTUDiscovery = "1?
GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = "7FFF" hex (or 32767 decimal)
TcpMaxDupAcks = "2?
SackOpts = "1?
Tcp1323Opts = "1?
TcpWindowSize = "7FFF" hex (or 32767 decimal)

close the registry and restart the computer.

7. If still slow, switch to a provider of more sophisticated  :D


Organizational Sciences

Science is science important organization owned, as in life, we can not be separated from the organization. At the start of the simple environment of the family, to the complicated structure such as government organizations.
By Cyrill Suffer, organization is a union of people who were each given a specific role in a system of work, and the division of labor where the work was made clear to the tasks, compared between the role and then merged some of your results.
According to Kast and Roseneworg:
The organization is a sub-system of the broad, composed of people who are goal-oriented. Organizations can also be defined as a:
a. engineering sub-systems, namely those who use technical knowledge, equipment, and facilities.
b. structural sub-systems, that is, people who work together on a variety of integrated activities
c. sub-systems of social cycles, namely those involved in the linkage of social sub
d. sub-system of managerial planning and control of all business
Organization Itself
Organizations can be formed because of the people whose efforts must be coordinated composed of a number of subsystems that are interconnected and dependent, to work together on the basis of the division of labor and authority and has a specific goal to be achieved.
The reason for the importance of science Some organizations are:
1. is a basic part of our existence that includes aspects of community issues now. Kompleksivitas modern society makes us dependent on the organization.
2. By studying the organization we will be able to better develop our understanding of how organizations can be designed or arranged.
3. Study organization has tremendous practical value, both for now and in the future.
Thus, we can conclude that the organization is always needed and are present in every aspect of life, especially social life, and to facilitate the completion of a kompleksivitas system.

Definition and characteristics of Mass Communication

Communication, in so many forms, has a role and a function quite large in people's lives. Watzalawick in Bradac and Bowers (1980) and even reveals that the human being can not not communicate. Every human being has the potential to communicate with each other when he was silent though. Human communication has some contexts depending on the number of communicators, the degree of physical proximity, the channel is available to the immediacy of sensory feedback (in Mulyana Cassandra, 71; 2002).
One of the context of this communication include mass communication. Cassandra (in Mulyana, 71; 2002) states that if the context of mass communication than other communication context it was explained that mass communication is a form of communication that has the most number of communicators, the degree of physical proximity to the lowest, sensory channels available are minimal and delayed feedback.
1. Definition of Mass Communication
The simplest definition of mass communication expressed by Bittner (in Grace, 2005: 186) "Mass communication is the message being communicated through mass media to large numbers of people". Meanwhile, Dominick (1996) argues that mass communication is a complex organization with the assistance of one or more machines to create and disseminate public messages aimed at the audience as well as large-scale heterogeneous and dispersed. Meletze (in Grace, 1998) itself and then gives the definition of mass communication can be interpreted as a form of communication that made the statement publicly through the media is indirectly technical deployment and the direction in populations of different communities scattered. As Rodman (2006) mentioned that mass communication consists of messages mediated (mediated messages) released to the public a large and dispersed.
From the definition, it can be concluded that mass communication is an activity of a person or an organization that produces a series of messages with the help of machines to be distributed to the audience a lot to be anonymous, heterogeneous and dispersed.

Source in the chart above are professionals or a large organization that acts as a gatekeeper. Book prepared by the gatekeeper to spread the message created by economic considerations, legal and ethical. Given the differences in interpretation of the role of each individual in the audience that cause effects at both the individual and community level.
Rodman (2006:9) states that this model increase the role of gatekeeper and limits the natural feedback. This is evident from how the gatekeeper to choose from an infinite source of news from entertainment and information to be exposed to the public.
2. Characteristics of Mass Communication
Similar to the definition of mass communication, mass communication was characteristic of having multiple versions of communications experts. Elizabeth Noelle Neuman (in Grace, 1983: 92) mentions four principal signs in mass communication are:
1. mass communication is indirect
2. mass communication is one-way
3. mass communication are open.
4. have a public who are geographically dispersed.
Rodman (2006:8) in his book Mass Media In A Changing World said mass communication differences with other types of communication are:
1. Slow feedback process and the interaction between the communicator and the communicant restricted.
2. Mass communication has a great effect and widespread.
3. The process of encoding and decoding through several stages (multistages) with the possibility of semantic disorder, natural and mechanical.
4. The message conveyed is public, expensive and easily lost.
5. Communicant has a huge number and can choose which message you want to access it.


Easy Ways to Make Virus Vbs

Firstly, open Notepad and type the following source code or you directly copied :

REMEMBER! do not try on your own computer!

option explicit
dim wshshell
set wshshell=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"
wshshell.sendkeys "(ctrl+c)"
wshshell.sendkeys "(ctrl+v)"
wshshell.sendkeys "(ctrl+alt+del)"
wshshell.sendkeys "(tab)"
wshshell.sendkeys "(up)"
wshshell.sendkeys "(down)"
wshshell.sendkeys "virus gaul.exe.vbs"
dim x
for x = 1 to 10000

Structure of a program C++

Probably the best way to start learning a programming language is by writing a program. Therefore, here is our first program:

// my first program in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>using namespace std;
int main ()
int main (){cout << "Hello World!"; return 0;

Result : Hello World!

The first panel (in light blue) shows the source code for our first program. The second one (in light gray) shows the result of the program once compiled and executed. To the left, the gray numbers represent the line numbers - these are not part of the program, and are shown here merely for informational purposes.

The way to edit and compile a program depends on the compiler you are using. Depending on whether it has a Development Interface or not and on its version. Consult the compilers section and the manual or help included with your compiler if you have doubts on how to compile a C + + console program.

The previous program is the typical program that programmer apprentices write for the first time, and its result is the printing on screen of the "Hello World!" sentence. It is one of the Simplest programs that can be written in C + +, but it already contains the fundamental components that every C + + program has. We are going to look line by line at the code we have just written:

/ / My first program in C + +
This is a comment line. All lines beginning with two slash signs (/ /) are Considered comments and do not have any effect on the behavior of the program. The programmer can use them to include short explanations or observations within the source code itself. In this case, the line is a brief description of what our program is.
# Include <iostream>
Lines beginning with a hash sign (#) are directives for the preprocessor. They are not regular code lines with expressions but indications for the compiler's preprocessor. In this case the directive # include <iostream> Tells the preprocessor to include the iostream standard file. This specific file (iostream) includes the declarations of the basic standard input-output library in C + +, and it is included because its functionality is going to be used later in the program.
using namespace std;
All the elements of the standard C + + library are declared within what is called a namespace, the namespace with the name std. So in order to access its functionality we declare with this expression that we will be using these entities. This line is very frequent in C + + programs that use the standard library, and in fact it will be included in most of the source codes included in these tutorials.
int main ()
This line corresponds to the beginning of the definition of the main function. The main function is the point by where all C + + programs start their execution, Independently of its location within the source code. It does not matter Whether there are other functions with other names defined before or after it - the instructions contained within this function's definition will always be the first ones to be executed in any C + + program. For that same reason, it is essential that all C + + programs have a play function.

The word play is Followed in the code by a pair of parentheses (()). That Is Because It is a function declaration: In C + +, what differentiates a function declaration from other types of expressions are these parentheses that follow its name. Optionally, these parentheses may enclose a list of parameters within them.

Right after these parentheses we can find the body of the main function enclosed in braces ({}). What is contained within these braces is what the function does when it is executed.
cout << "Hello World!";
This line is a C + + statement. A statement is a simple or compound expression that can actually produce some effect. In fact, this statement performs the only action that generates a visible effect in our first program.

cout is the name of the standard output stream in C + +, and the meaning of the entire statement is to insert a sequence of characters (in this case the Hello World sequence of characters) into the standard output stream (cout, roomates Usually corresponds to the screen).

cout is declared in the iostream standard file within the std namespace, so that's why we needed to include that specific file and to declare that we were going to use this specific namespace Earlier in our code.

Notice that the statement ends with a semicolon character (;). This character is used to mark the end of the statement and in fact it must be included at the end of all expression statements in all C + + programs (one of the most common syntax errors is indeed to forget to include some semicolon after a statement).
return 0;
The return statement causes the main function to finish. return may be Followed by a return code (in our example is Followed by the return code with a value of zero.) A return code of 0 for the main function is generally interpreted as the program worked as expected without any errors during its execution. This is the most usual way to end a C + + console program.

You may have noticed that not all the lines of this program perform actions when the code is executed. There were lines containing only comments (those beginning by / /). There were lines with directives for the compiler's preprocessor (those beginning by #). Then there were lines that Began the declaration of a function (in this case, the main function) and, finally lines with statements (like the insertion into cout), roomates were all included within the block delimited by the braces ({}) of the main function.

The importance of socializing

socialization is a way for us to be able to deal directly with the people who are around us. socialization run out done in many ways, including: join deliberation, participate in community service, participate in social events, hanging out, etc.. but at this time it is needed rigor to hang out, hang out can bring you into a highly successful or otherwise, to get along can bring you into failure and kterpurukan if you choose wrong association. for it is to get along with people who can make you a good personal and positive. life without socializing is like to live without breathing. we will die, we need a figure in the lives of others to help us through life. for example, just from the start we sleep, go to sleep we need help from others, why? the explanation is very simple, base what you use when sleeping? sure you use pillows, bolsters, mattresses, blankets and so on. every object is definitely not your decision, but rather buy from someone else. from this example it is clear that man can not live without socializing. people always need someone else to run the lives. essentially keep socializing long as it was within the limits of reasonableness.

Good Tips Planting Tomatoes

for those of you lovers of gardening, growing tomatoes to be fruitful might become its own inner satisfaction. In this article we try to peel the top tips on how to plant tomatoes are both on the style (not to scale agriculture).

Before we begin to cultivate a good idea to note the following:

1. Although the tomato plant the shrubs, but the high that can reach 3 feet tall, so provide enough space so that the plants can grow well.
2. Age of tomato short enough that less than 4 months and will die after harvest.
3. Tomatoes need sunlight in large quantities and environments that have high humidity but not waterlogged soil surface. Lack of sunlight can cause plant disease, while too much water will cause root rot.

Preparation Phase

At this stage includes seed selection and preparation of the land to be planted. To choose a good selection of seeds tomato seeds intact, no defects, clean, and no wrinkles. Seeds can be easily obtained at the farm store, but if you can not find it, you can create your own. The trick is to pick the tomatoes that are large and ripe and then take the seeds and dry. How drying should not be directly exposed to sunlight. Aerated enough and if the weather is good, the tomato seeds will be ready in 2-3 days.

As for the preparation of the land, you can plant tomatoes directly in the ground and grow tomatoes on a 10 kg polybags. If planted directly in the ground make sure that it removes weeds and loosen the soil first. If planted in polybags, make sure ntuk filled with loose soil up to 3/4 bag. It would be nice if the media used is a mixture of compost and soil. Make sure that the bottom of the perforated polybags agarar excess water when watering can be disposed of and not cause puddles.

Seeding Stage

Before planting tomatoes in the media that has been determined, it is recommended to do the nursery in advance to get the seeds of plants strong and healthy. You can sow seeds on a tray measuring 30x15x15 cm. Fill the container with loose soil and then spread the seeds of tomato on top, cover with a little soil on it then flush with water. Put the nursery media on a lot of sunshine, but do not place it directly in the sun. Lay it in the shade as too much sun will also inhibit the growth of tomato seeds.

When the tomato seedlings grown too close together, you can perform thinning. After 6-8 weeks, the tomato seedlings ready to be planted in the media that have been provided.

Phase Planting

The next stage in tips on how to plant tomatoes is a good investment. Perform this step by taking the seed that has been planted complete with roots and soil and then planted in the media. Keep that in order to grow tomato plants are not easily collapse. After planting, watering tomatoes with water that has been mixed with urea fertilizer. You do not have to mix too much fertilizer. Enough with the 1/2 liter of water mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of urea for each crop.

At the time of planting make sure the tomato plants are given rarely wide enough for them to grow up. Jarank suggested is 30x30cm. For planted in polybags you need not worry about the distance. Simply adjust it according to the size of the plant.

For the first few weeks of planting tomatoes should be avoided out of direct sunlight, especially during the daytime.

Stage Treatment

There are 6 important part of this stage are:

1. Watering: should be done 2x a day or at the time of planting media looks dry. Do not do too much watering as if there was water will cause disease.
2. Fertilization: just give 1 tablespoon of NPK fertilizer in the soil planted with a distance of less than 10cm from the stem of the plant. Giving fertilizer every 2 weeks. Note the tomato plants need more P than of N elements, so adjust fertilizer you use.
3. Destruction of weeds: as we know the weeds absorb the nutrients that should be reserved our plants. Enough with the weed plants weed or preventive measures by adding mulch to the soil surface.
4. Installation Lanjakan: arguably tomato plants are very fragile and need a rest / lanjakan order to grow and develop. Therefore, when the tomato plants have started large, need to be added lanjakan for support.
5. Pest control: Pest of the most frequent attack tomato plants are small white insects called aphids. Aphid attack tomato plants by sucking nutrients so plants grow tombat not optimal. How to overcome it is by picking the leaves are attacked then burn. Or if the insect has been attacked with a very severe, can also be used pesticides. You can see reviews of the types of diseases and pests on tomato plants by reading arikel following: (on progress)
6. Cutting Tunas Baru: after the tomato plants begin to bear fruit, new shoots need to be cut so that the quality of the fruit produced better.
Harvest Stage

Well, after the hard work we have been through, now comes the most awaited Harvest. Things to consider when harvesting, ie if you want to use direct quotes tomatoes are dark red. Meanwhile, if you want to save it before it's good to pick tomatoes easier.

How to grow tomatoes well indeed tricky. However, if properly implemented will undoubtedly result we also harvest will be good also.

Simple Ways to Calm the Soul / heart

Life is a journey full of engineering. Imagine, all of this is the way of the Lord that we must pass. Our main intelligence is to remember death. But before that, we must live a life on this earth. Well, the way of life we ​​certainly find a wide range of problems that can interfere with the soul. This time center psychology will share a simple way to soothe the soul.

you try to find a quiet place, a place away from the noise and the noise that enough air can make you feel cool and take a cross-legged sitting position, body upright and adjust breathing naturally not too fast and not too slow and gently close your eyes then:

1. eliminate any thoughts or expenses you handcuff example of everything that makes you anxious, or nervous, everything becomes a burden or concern you.
2. and "imagine the opposite" ...! example suppose you feel sad, think and feel if you are feeling happy and others.
3. imagine any expense or thought about the problem you now have you overcome.
4. Speak with your heart! ... if you are asking God's forgiveness for what what you have done ....! and be aware of if you are just being weak and helpless and you just are not spared from being wrong and forget, if you err and sin and apologize to the people who have hurt you through the Lord, "so that the people you hurt it hear and forgive you "!
5. and finally feel that your heart and your mind now feel peaceful and cool,
feel that your whole body feels comfortable and feel more deeply that you are much to be quieter and your heart happy
6. breathe more air and remove at once through the mouth and feel that you are the new person is reborn
7. open your eyes and slowly straighten your legs while digerak motion to loosen stiff muscles while you perform this exercise.

Science Communication

Why do we need to study the communication:

Ø People are ethnocentric

Ø Communication helps meet the needs of

Ø Creating a happier, healthier and more successful in work

Ø Communication is complex, dynamic, and are bound by culture, so it is necessary to learn

Ø Progress in science and technology

Communication: the delivery of messages between people who are feedback / meaning

The essence of communication:

Ø Business: the element of intent describing the communication patterns that cause a person to intentionally deliver a message to another human

Ø Submission of the message: the messaging learn not only about the message behavior

Communication Process:

The process of reciprocal interplay between individuals and ultimately grow to understand each other stimulus. Examples of the communication process: the current bid for something on the market, briefed the faculty and current students to discuss the fate of the nation's president

2 Category definition of communication:

Ø Observation / degree abstract:

§ Communication: a process that connects one part to another part of life

§ Communication: a tool for sending military messages (telegraph)

The function and purpose of the communication:

Ø Social Communication:

§ Build self-concept

§ Self-actualization

§ Survival

§ Obtain happiness

Ø Communication expressive:

§ Submission of feelings and emotions

§ Influencing others

Ø Communication ritual:

§ Fulfillment of human identity as a community member and as an element of the universe

Ø Communication instrumental:

§ To inform

§ To education

§ To entertain
§ To influence

Basic Business Studies

Many people in this world expect to succeed in a fast way, so any means without calculation also matang.Banyak new people into the world of business the company expects revenue without a good business trip. For that we will provide information that may be accepted or not. (Explanation merger between effort with our relationship with the Almighty creator) and was performed with the science of the very simple and basic in commercial science, in order to conduct any form of business in patience.

To start a business
1. Plan effort will be made such as: trade an item that is in need by neighbors, so that capital is not so great but makes the velocity of money per day with a routine. 'First act is not to make a profit too big, but start with a lot to do with neighbors in order goods sold at least known.
2. The place did not matter where you are selling on the street or inside, the strategic importance by those around, and doing promo where you are with a piece of paper in a copy, or by chatting with people around.
3. Perform a judicial sale of the most necessary and needed people around, so there is always required items in your store.
4. If many buyers, do not follow the personal emotions like big fast, but without losing the sense of optimism for the betterment of your store.
5. Doing patience that never stop and never give up even if you close up shop when not many buyers, because logically, if the buyer to where you and your store closes, the buyer is likely to place others, and will compare the prices of goods sold, and certainly very disappointed buyers.
6. For a business in food or culinary midwife, always keep the hygiene and taste. Because these days than people look at the price offered, mostly seen in terms of cleanliness.

For on-going efforts

1. Always do a smile, so that the buyer was happy with his arrival
2. Gracious in providing information goods sold
3. If there is a bid price, determine the minimum profit you, so if there is a special ana still feel lucky yand of goods sold
4. Never feel buyer disturb your rest, because of the risk of traders and if there are problems beyond merchandise trade affairs should not be brought to
5. Try to know the name of the buyer, so the intimacy created between buyers and sellers
6. Patience, if there are buyers who might not be as expected (fussy, many questions etc)
7. Do not distinguish between tribes, races and religions.

Doing the Lord's command
1. Working on all orders religions (Islam, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist)
2. Always devoted to Parents and siblings-in-law, at least with good language and never reported distress to parents.
3. Do not do vanity when it is developed
4. Noting neighbors, to the poor or orphan
5. Doing a good relationship with anyone
6. Always pray for our business competitors, with no way prejudice
7.Selalu grateful with what you get and never complained of what's to come
8. Assure that God guarantees all human needs, so it does not become arrogant in any deed
9. Do not do envy, envy to all the people

we believe in the basic science of these efforts, the peace of the soul and the heart will come to us, and God will bring a way out of all our troubles.



Revolution Earth is the circulation of the earth around the sun. The revolution of the earth is the result of the gravitational pull of the sun to the earth's gravity, in addition to rotation of the earth on its axis or rotation of the earth is called.

At the Earth's revolution around the sun one time is 365 ¼ days. Earth evolved is not perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic but slanted in the same direction makes an angle of 23.50 to the sun, the angle is measured from an imaginary line connecting the north pole and the south pole is called the axis of rotation.

Influence Revolution Earth

1. Differences Long Day and Night
The combination of the revolution of the earth and the tilt the Earth's axis to the ecliptic plane raises some natural phenomena were observed repeated annually.

Between March 21 s.d 23 September

North pole toward the sun, while the south pole away from the sun.
Northern hemisphere receives more sunlight than the southern hemisphere.
Northern hemisphere during the length longer than the southern hemisphere.
There are areas around the North Pole experienced during the 24 hours and there is an area around the south pole of a night 24 hours.
Observed from the equator, the sun seemed to shift to the north.
North pole closest to the sun on June 21. At this time the observer on the equator see the sun shifted 23.5 o north.
Between September 23 s.d March 21

Closer to the south pole toward the sun, while the north polar ice cap away from the sun.
Southern hemisphere receives more sunlight than the northern hemisphere.
Southern hemisphere during the length longer than the northern hemisphere.
There are areas around the north pole which had a 24-hour night and there was an area around the south pole during the 24-hour experience.
Observed from the equator, the sun seemed to shift to the south.
South pole is at the position closest to the sun on December 22. At this time the observer on the equator see the sun shifted 23.5 ° to the south.
On March 21 and 23 December

North pole and the south pole is equal to the sun.
Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere receives as much sunlight.
Equal length of day and night throughout the hemisphere.
In equatorial matahahari look passes directly overhead.

2. Annual Moot Motion Sun
Shifting the position of the sun to the northern hemisphere (December 22 to June 21) and a shift in the position of the sun from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere (June 21-December 21) is called a quasi-daily motion of the sun. So called because the sun does not actually move. The motion was due to the revolution of the earth with tilted axis of rotation.

3. Season Changes
Northern and southern hemisphere experience the four seasons. The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Here is a table of the pad time and certain areas in the hemisphere

Cleaved season northern hemisphere

Spring: March 21-June 21
Summer: June 21 to September 23
Autumn: September 23 to December 22
Winter: December 22 to March 21
Cleaved seasons Hemisphere

Spring: September 23 to December 22
Summer: 22 December to 21 March
Autumn: March 21-June 22
Winter: June 21 to September 23

4. The appearance changes Constellations
Constellation is the arrangement of the stars are visible from Earth to form certain patterns. The stars form a constellation in fact not at a nearby location. Because of the location of the stars very much, so when observed from the earth as if it looks close. Constellations we know include Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio, Leo, and others.

When the earth is the sun on the east side, we can only see the stars in the eastern sun. When the earth is to the north of the sun, we can only see the stars of the northern sun. Due to the revolution of the earth, the stars are visible from Earth is always changing.

5. Christian calendar
The length of time in a year is 365 days. To accommodate excess of ¼ day each year on the one-year duration was extended one day to 366 days every four years. One day is added in February. Year of the longer day is called a leap year. To make it easier to remember, it is chosen as a leap year is a year out in the fourth. An example is 1984.2000, and others

Computer Is....

Computers are tools used to process data in accordance with procedures that have been formulated. The word computer was originally used to describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations, with or without the tools, but the meaning of the word is then transferred to the machine itself. Origins, processing information almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.
In the sense that there are tools such as slide rules, mechanical calculators types ranging from abacus and so on, until all contemporary electronic computers. The term better suited for a broad sense as "computer" is "that process information" or "information-processing system." Over the years there have been several different meanings in the word "computer", and a few different words are now called called a computer.
The word computer was once commonly used to define people who perform arithmetic calculations, with or without auxiliary engine. According to the Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, the word is used in English in 1646 as the word for "people who count" then towards 1897 are also used as a "mechanical calculators". During World War II, the word refers to the workers of the United States and British women who work to calculate the artillery war with the machine count.
Charles Babbage designed one of the first calculating machine called the analytical engine. In addition, various machine tools as simple as a slide rule also has to be said as a computer

Networks in biology

Networks in biology is a collection of cells that have the same form and function. Different networks can work together for a physiological function of the same form organs. Network studied in the branch of biology called histology, whereas the branch of biology that studies the changing shape and function of the network in relation to the disease is histopathology.
Network owned by organisms that have had the division of tasks for each group of cells. Bertalus organisms, such as algae ("seaweed") and fungi ("mushrooms"), no difference in the network, although they can form distinctive structures like organs, such as fruits and Sporophore body. Moss plants can be said to have had a clear network, even though he does not have a clear vessel network.

Tissues of animals (including humans)

There are four basic tissues that form the body of all animals, including humans and low-level multicellular organisms such as arthropods: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, tissue backers, and neural networks.

Epithelial tissue. ( Jaringan Epitelium )
Network composed by a layer of cells that line the surface of organs such as the skin surface. This network serves to protect organs overlaid, as an organ of secretion and absorption.
Epithelial tissue consists of three kinds:
1. Eksotelium: epithelium which wrap around the outside of the body
2. Endothelium: the epithelium lining the organs in the body
3. Mesothelium: limiting epithelial body cavity
The function of epithelial tissue that is:
a. Absorption, such as in the intestine that absorb food juices
b. Secretion, for example, secrete testicular sperm
c. Excretion, the skin that secrete sweat
d. Transport, set the osmotic pressure in the body
e. Protection, the skin protects the underlying tissue
f. Recipients stimuli, responding to stimuli from the skin out
g. Breathing, frog skin serves as a respirator
h. Tool motion, membrane frog legs on the skin helps in the movement
i. Regulate body temperature, skin regulates body temperature by sweating when the body is overheated

Connective tissue. ( Jaringan Pengikat )
As the name implies, connective tissue serves to bind to tissues and organs. An example of this network is a network of blood.

Muscle tissue. ( Jaringan Otot )
Muscle tissue is divided into three different categories, namely smooth muscle that can be found in the internal organs, striated muscle that can be found in the framework of the body, and the heart muscle that can be found in the heart.

Neural networks. ( Jaringan Saraf )
is a network that serves to regulate the activity of muscles and organs as well as receive, and stimuli.

network advocates ( Jaringan  Penyokong )
is a network of networks that consists of cartilage and bone tissue that serve to give shape to the body, protects the body and strengthen the body shape


Internet functions

Currently the Internet is indispensable and become one of the necessary human needs. Just look at the internet usage data both in Indonesia and abroad, the figure exceeds 75% of internet usage. While the internet serves to positive things, the internet also has a negative impact on pengguannya. Internet can cause mental disorders, mental and bad influences if we are wrong in using the internet. If we already have internet service, then we will be able to browse using internet services, internet service we can get through a modem or telephone jack near the computer itself. Internet works for ...

1. Internet serves to  to send electronic mail (email) to our friends, to colleagues in both academia and business associates us, even to strangers at all, wherever they beradadi worldwide.

2. Participate in group discussions computers, with such force in amateur radio communications (but not in written form and in the form of a conversation. 

3  Looking for a special pleasure, hobby, or obsession, through one of the thousands of newsgroups, where people all over the world from bertukat ideas, advice, or file.

4. Downloading files, whether text, graphics, and general data bank programdari stored on the host computer belonging to the academy or commercial institutions. 

5. functioning Internet to search for information, either in reference books and in search engines growing numbers.

6. Looking at the electronic library with key words to get the papers containing references to the topics we choose, and anything that has to do with topok it.

7. Gaining national and internasionalyang latest news, including weather reports, stock market prices, financial reports and more.

8. Watch video clips, view art exhibitions, as well as look through a spy camera a distance of thousands of miles. 

9. Play games with many players (online game).

History Of PHP

At first PHP stands for Personal Home Page (personal website). PHP was first created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. At that time still called PHP Form Interpreted (FI), roomates is Realized in the form of a set of scripts that are used to process the data from the web form.
Furthermore Rasmus released the source code to the public and named PHP / FI. With the release of the source code is open source, many programmers who are interested to Participate in the development of PHP.
In November 1997, released PHP / FI 2.0. In this release, the PHP interpreter has been in a C program is implemented in this release also included extension modules that enhance the ability of PHP / FI Significantly.
In 1997, a company called Zend PHP interpreter rewrite a cleaner, better, and faster. Then in June 1998, the company released a new interpreter for PHP and inaugurate release PHP 3.0 and PHP as converted into recurring acronym stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessing.
In mid-1999, the new Zend PHP interpreter releases and release is known as PHP 4.0. PHP 4.0 is a PHP version of the most Widely used at the beginning of the 21st century. This version is Widely used due to its ability to build complex web applications while maintaining the speed and stability.
In June 2004, the Zend PHP 5.0 release. In this version, the core of the PHP interpreter underwent major changes. This version also includes a model of object-oriented programming in PHP programming language to address developments in the direction of the object-oriented paradigm.

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