for those of you lovers of gardening, growing tomatoes to be fruitful might become its own inner satisfaction. In this article we try to peel the top tips on how to plant tomatoes are both on the style (not to scale agriculture).
Before we begin to cultivate a good idea to note the following:
1. Although the tomato plant the shrubs, but the high that can reach 3 feet tall, so provide enough space so that the plants can grow well.
2. Age of tomato short enough that less than 4 months and will die after harvest.
3. Tomatoes need sunlight in large quantities and environments that have high humidity but not waterlogged soil surface. Lack of sunlight can cause plant disease, while too much water will cause root rot.
Preparation Phase
At this stage includes seed selection and preparation of the land to be planted. To choose a good selection of seeds tomato seeds intact, no defects, clean, and no wrinkles. Seeds can be easily obtained at the farm store, but if you can not find it, you can create your own. The trick is to pick the tomatoes that are large and ripe and then take the seeds and dry. How drying should not be directly exposed to sunlight. Aerated enough and if the weather is good, the tomato seeds will be ready in 2-3 days.
As for the preparation of the land, you can plant tomatoes directly in the ground and grow tomatoes on a 10 kg polybags. If planted directly in the ground make sure that it removes weeds and loosen the soil first. If planted in polybags, make sure ntuk filled with loose soil up to 3/4 bag. It would be nice if the media used is a mixture of compost and soil. Make sure that the bottom of the perforated polybags agarar excess water when watering can be disposed of and not cause puddles.
Seeding Stage
Before planting tomatoes in the media that has been determined, it is recommended to do the nursery in advance to get the seeds of plants strong and healthy. You can sow seeds on a tray measuring 30x15x15 cm. Fill the container with loose soil and then spread the seeds of tomato on top, cover with a little soil on it then flush with water. Put the nursery media on a lot of sunshine, but do not place it directly in the sun. Lay it in the shade as too much sun will also inhibit the growth of tomato seeds.
When the tomato seedlings grown too close together, you can perform thinning. After 6-8 weeks, the tomato seedlings ready to be planted in the media that have been provided.
Phase Planting
The next stage in tips on how to plant tomatoes is a good investment. Perform this step by taking the seed that has been planted complete with roots and soil and then planted in the media. Keep that in order to grow tomato plants are not easily collapse. After planting, watering tomatoes with water that has been mixed with urea fertilizer. You do not have to mix too much fertilizer. Enough with the 1/2 liter of water mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of urea for each crop.
At the time of planting make sure the tomato plants are given rarely wide enough for them to grow up. Jarank suggested is 30x30cm. For planted in polybags you need not worry about the distance. Simply adjust it according to the size of the plant.
For the first few weeks of planting tomatoes should be avoided out of direct sunlight, especially during the daytime.
Stage Treatment
There are 6 important part of this stage are:
1. Watering: should be done 2x a day or at the time of planting media looks dry. Do not do too much watering as if there was water will cause disease.
2. Fertilization: just give 1 tablespoon of NPK fertilizer in the soil planted with a distance of less than 10cm from the stem of the plant. Giving fertilizer every 2 weeks. Note the tomato plants need more P than of N elements, so adjust fertilizer you use.
3. Destruction of weeds: as we know the weeds absorb the nutrients that should be reserved our plants. Enough with the weed plants weed or preventive measures by adding mulch to the soil surface.
4. Installation Lanjakan: arguably tomato plants are very fragile and need a rest / lanjakan order to grow and develop. Therefore, when the tomato plants have started large, need to be added lanjakan for support.
5. Pest control: Pest of the most frequent attack tomato plants are small white insects called aphids. Aphid attack tomato plants by sucking nutrients so plants grow tombat not optimal. How to overcome it is by picking the leaves are attacked then burn. Or if the insect has been attacked with a very severe, can also be used pesticides. You can see reviews of the types of diseases and pests on tomato plants by reading arikel following: (on progress)
6. Cutting Tunas Baru: after the tomato plants begin to bear fruit, new shoots need to be cut so that the quality of the fruit produced better.
Harvest Stage
Well, after the hard work we have been through, now comes the most awaited Harvest. Things to consider when harvesting, ie if you want to use direct quotes tomatoes are dark red. Meanwhile, if you want to save it before it's good to pick tomatoes easier.
How to grow tomatoes well indeed tricky. However, if properly implemented will undoubtedly result we also harvest will be good also.
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