Basic Business Studies

Many people in this world expect to succeed in a fast way, so any means without calculation also matang.Banyak new people into the world of business the company expects revenue without a good business trip. For that we will provide information that may be accepted or not. (Explanation merger between effort with our relationship with the Almighty creator) and was performed with the science of the very simple and basic in commercial science, in order to conduct any form of business in patience.

To start a business
1. Plan effort will be made such as: trade an item that is in need by neighbors, so that capital is not so great but makes the velocity of money per day with a routine. 'First act is not to make a profit too big, but start with a lot to do with neighbors in order goods sold at least known.
2. The place did not matter where you are selling on the street or inside, the strategic importance by those around, and doing promo where you are with a piece of paper in a copy, or by chatting with people around.
3. Perform a judicial sale of the most necessary and needed people around, so there is always required items in your store.
4. If many buyers, do not follow the personal emotions like big fast, but without losing the sense of optimism for the betterment of your store.
5. Doing patience that never stop and never give up even if you close up shop when not many buyers, because logically, if the buyer to where you and your store closes, the buyer is likely to place others, and will compare the prices of goods sold, and certainly very disappointed buyers.
6. For a business in food or culinary midwife, always keep the hygiene and taste. Because these days than people look at the price offered, mostly seen in terms of cleanliness.

For on-going efforts

1. Always do a smile, so that the buyer was happy with his arrival
2. Gracious in providing information goods sold
3. If there is a bid price, determine the minimum profit you, so if there is a special ana still feel lucky yand of goods sold
4. Never feel buyer disturb your rest, because of the risk of traders and if there are problems beyond merchandise trade affairs should not be brought to
5. Try to know the name of the buyer, so the intimacy created between buyers and sellers
6. Patience, if there are buyers who might not be as expected (fussy, many questions etc)
7. Do not distinguish between tribes, races and religions.

Doing the Lord's command
1. Working on all orders religions (Islam, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist)
2. Always devoted to Parents and siblings-in-law, at least with good language and never reported distress to parents.
3. Do not do vanity when it is developed
4. Noting neighbors, to the poor or orphan
5. Doing a good relationship with anyone
6. Always pray for our business competitors, with no way prejudice
7.Selalu grateful with what you get and never complained of what's to come
8. Assure that God guarantees all human needs, so it does not become arrogant in any deed
9. Do not do envy, envy to all the people

we believe in the basic science of these efforts, the peace of the soul and the heart will come to us, and God will bring a way out of all our troubles.

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