Networks in biology

Networks in biology is a collection of cells that have the same form and function. Different networks can work together for a physiological function of the same form organs. Network studied in the branch of biology called histology, whereas the branch of biology that studies the changing shape and function of the network in relation to the disease is histopathology.
Network owned by organisms that have had the division of tasks for each group of cells. Bertalus organisms, such as algae ("seaweed") and fungi ("mushrooms"), no difference in the network, although they can form distinctive structures like organs, such as fruits and Sporophore body. Moss plants can be said to have had a clear network, even though he does not have a clear vessel network.

Tissues of animals (including humans)

There are four basic tissues that form the body of all animals, including humans and low-level multicellular organisms such as arthropods: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, tissue backers, and neural networks.

Epithelial tissue. ( Jaringan Epitelium )
Network composed by a layer of cells that line the surface of organs such as the skin surface. This network serves to protect organs overlaid, as an organ of secretion and absorption.
Epithelial tissue consists of three kinds:
1. Eksotelium: epithelium which wrap around the outside of the body
2. Endothelium: the epithelium lining the organs in the body
3. Mesothelium: limiting epithelial body cavity
The function of epithelial tissue that is:
a. Absorption, such as in the intestine that absorb food juices
b. Secretion, for example, secrete testicular sperm
c. Excretion, the skin that secrete sweat
d. Transport, set the osmotic pressure in the body
e. Protection, the skin protects the underlying tissue
f. Recipients stimuli, responding to stimuli from the skin out
g. Breathing, frog skin serves as a respirator
h. Tool motion, membrane frog legs on the skin helps in the movement
i. Regulate body temperature, skin regulates body temperature by sweating when the body is overheated

Connective tissue. ( Jaringan Pengikat )
As the name implies, connective tissue serves to bind to tissues and organs. An example of this network is a network of blood.

Muscle tissue. ( Jaringan Otot )
Muscle tissue is divided into three different categories, namely smooth muscle that can be found in the internal organs, striated muscle that can be found in the framework of the body, and the heart muscle that can be found in the heart.

Neural networks. ( Jaringan Saraf )
is a network that serves to regulate the activity of muscles and organs as well as receive, and stimuli.

network advocates ( Jaringan  Penyokong )
is a network of networks that consists of cartilage and bone tissue that serve to give shape to the body, protects the body and strengthen the body shape

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